Prolozone $250 (per joint)

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Prolozone treatment is a non-invasive form of therapy that utilizes ozone gases to treat various joint and musculoskeletal ailments. The name Prolozone was made out of the combination of the Latin word ‘prolix’ and ozone. As the name suggests, this treatment works through the saturation of oxygen to the problem area, promoting the regeneration of damaged tissues. Basically speaking, this treatment is unique in a way that it facilitates our bodies natural healing mechanism by supplying it with oxygen and cell-regenerating nutrients.


Prolozone treatment is a non-invasive form of therapy that utilizes ozone gases to treat various joint and musculoskeletal ailments. The name Prolozone was made out of the combination of the Latin word ‘prolix’ and ozone. As the name suggests, this treatment works through the saturation of oxygen to the problem area, promoting the regeneration of damaged tissues. Basically speaking, this treatment is unique in a way that it facilitates our bodies natural healing mechanism by supplying it with oxygen and cell-regenerating nutrients. How does Prolozone Treatment work?

In this treatment, the patient will be injected with a specific combination of anti-inflammatory agents, vitamins, minerals, and ozone to their problem areas. Procaine is also used in the treatment to reduce pain levels from the injection.

This injection introduces oxygen into the problem area which immediately improves the blood circulation. This in turn causes a chain reaction that will stimulate the cells in the body to start repairing damaged tissues and decreasing inflammation. The vitamins and minerals provide nutrients for the body to build new tissues. What conditions are commonly treated by this Treatment?

It can be used for a wide variety of joint ailments. Both acute and chronic conditions can be treated with it. However, patients with the most painful chronic conditions such as osteoarthritis and degenerative joint diseases will gain the most benefit from this treatment.

There will be immediate pain relief and a noticeable decrease in swelling. It is not advised for someone with an acutely herniated disc to use this treatment.

Below is a compilation of medical conditions that responds successfully with this treatment:

  • Carpal tunnel syndrome;
  • Chronic neck pain and back pain;
  • Degenerative spinal discs;
  • Degenerative & arthritic ankles, hips, and knees;
  • Dental infections;
  • Heel spurs(heel pains);
  • Neuromas;
  • Fractured pains;
  • Scarred areas;
  • Pelvic-related disorders;
  • Plantar fasciitis (policeman’s heel);
  • Post-operative pain;
  • Rotator cuff injuries;
  • Sciatic neuritis;
  • Sinusitis;
  • Sports-related injuries;
  • Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis);
  • Temporomandibular Joint disorders;
  • Any sprains and strains.
What are the benefits of this Treatment?

This treatment has little to no side effects because it utilizes ozone(O3), a naturally occurring gas. Ozone gas, which was first discovered in the mid-nineteenth century, has been used by medical practitioners worldwide for many years. Clinical studies done on this treatment has proven it to be a safe, effective method in helping the body in its natural healing process.

Most patients will notice an immediate significant relief from pain(about 50%-80% less) which will continue to decrease in time. Besides that, most patients only need 3-5 treatments since it is fast-acting. This also means that prolozone treatments are typically less expensive because of its shorter sessions.

This treatment can be used in conjunction with other conventional treatments. For sufferers of joint or musculoskeletal disease, it is advised to seek treatments that are non-invasive and natural. Healthcare centers that offer this treatment can be easily found in developed countries since it has become a very popular option for treatment. Prolozone treatment in New York and other major cities are able to provide great service to their patients. Why choose Integrative Wellness NY?

Integrative medicine is a branch of medicine that treat patients as a whole person (mind, body, and spirit). It highlights the use of both conventional and alternative/complementary medicine to facilitate the natural healing process of the human body. This branch of medicine would always opt for a more natural and less invasive approach to health with the assurance that the treatment is scientifically backed. It also promises a better partnership between healthcare providers and patients during treatment.

Over the years, people are increasingly dissatisfied with the Western healthcare system that is perceived to be too focused on the disease and not enough on the patients’ wellness. Integrative medicine seem to be the answer to this dilemma that has been provoking both healthcare providers and patients. There are also many studies done to explore the evidence of the mind-body connection and the ways this will impact the treatment of patients. The inclusive nature of integrative medicine seem to point that this healthcare model is the way to go in the future.

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